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Wildlife and other Outdoor Related Resources

Do you want to help in the plite to Save The Whale Habitat of Alaska? By adding a link to us, you can do just that. Please use any of the code below on your website to show your support! Thank you in advance…

<a href=””>Glacier Bay Whale Watching</a> Large concentrations of Humpback Whales migrate here every summer.

<a href=””>Alaska Beluga Whales</a> Placed on the endangered species list in 2008, the beluga is fighting an uphill battle for existance.

<a href=””>Where To See Whales in Alaska</a> See the whales of Alaska and experience the thrill of viewing them in their natural habitat.

<a href=””>The Whales of Alaska</a> Explore the watery world of the Whales of Alaska! Information about times and tours as well as the locations of departure from the many ports of call in Alaska.

Let us know your thoughts! If you link to us, let us know about it as we would like to show our appreciation by adding you to our Pages of Supporters. Please accept our thanks in advance for your support.

Alaska Whale Watching offers independent travel tour listings and general information on Alaska’s whale population. Listed tours include vacation trips and travel options featuring gray whale, orcas, humpback whale, killer whale, beluga and whale pod tours.

Angel's For Animals; We're a non profit organization in Canfield, OH. We house 20-30 dogs and 100 cats in our shelter. We are operated completely by volunteers and donations.